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★ IDP : Prerequisites for rent a car ★
제주엔젤카 23-05-25 13:17 count : 4,581




※ Cannot be rent if you don`t have IDP (International Driving Permit)


※ if you are driving abroad apply for your IDP online. 

→ https://internationaldrivingpermit.org/ 


※ Get your International Driving Permit in 8 minutes

→ https://internationaldriversassociation.com/

(The price is relatively lower if it is issued from each country's IDP issuer than the cost issued on the above site.)


※ About IDP

1. Do i need to have an IDP in order to drive aborad?

Yes, in many cases you will needan IDP to drive in a foreign country, other than the country where you areresident. It depends on bilateral agreements and treaties between the countrywhere you are resident and the country, or countries, where you plan to drive.Thereare numerous bilateral agreements and treaties that regulate IDP requirements,and these agreements and treaties change frequently. Holding an IDP is a veryeasy way to legally drive abroad, and that gives you the peace of mind ofabiding by enforced law and international regulations. Therefore, even incountries where you are not required to hold an IDP, it is highly recommendedin order to avoid any type of inconvenience.AnIDP never substitutes your valid domestic driver license.IDPsare not valid for driving in your country of residence, where you need to holda valid domestic driving license. 


2. How does it work?

Driving in a foreign country hasbeen regulated since 1926 by the United Nations through 4 internationalconventions, subscribed by most countries in the world.Today,two conventions cover 98% of world countries: the 1949 Geneva Convention andthe 1968 Vienna Convention, and nearly all IDPs are issued under these twoconventions’ regulations.Theauthority for IDP-issuance resides in countries that are contracting parties toone of more UN Conventions on Road Traffic. Most of these countries delegatethis task to the Automobile Clubs and motoring associations. This is the reasonwhy AIT and FIA Clubs are the world’s largest organization issuing IDPs.Ifthere is an Automobile Club which issues IDPs in your country of residence,this website will help you access the Club’s IDP information section.

3. Functions of an IDP

Translate.IDPs ensure that your domestic driving license is understandable by localauthorities and officials in the foreign country where you are driving.

Certify.The issuer of your IDP certifies that you have a valid driving license in yourcountry of residence, i.e.that you are authorized to drive motor vehicles.

Type of vehicle.The issuer of your IDP also indicates and certifies what category or categoriesof motor vehicles you are authorized to drive.

Improve Road Safety.The fact that IDPs are often required to drive abroad helps ensure that everydriver is an authorized driver, andhelps improve road safety worldwide. 



The following video will inform you why you need an International Driving Permit (IDP) when driving in a foreign country. This document is also referred to as an International Driving License. Why do you need an International Driving Permit? When driving in another country you will need an IDP for Car Hire, Insurance, and Communication with Police Officers.In the case of an accident, you might not be covered by insurance if you do not have an International Driving Licence. 

Visit https://internationaldrivingpermit.org/ for more info. 

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